7 Labkom99 Secrets In Increasing Blog Visitors And Visitors

Labkom99.com Blog is the best blogger who inspires beginner bloggers in the country to be able to get to the world succeed in the blogging scene. With

Labkom99.com Blog is the best blogger who inspires beginner bloggers in the country to be able to get to the world succeed in the blogging scene. With his perseverance, Labkom99 can earn tens of millions of rupiah from his blog per month. But to be successful like Labkom99 takes quite a long time and extraordinary perseverance. Because it's not just writing that you have to work on, there are several factors that can affect this success.

7 Labkom99 Secrets In Increasing Blog Visitors And Visitors

The number of visitors or blog visitors is the most important thing if you want to succeed like this Labkom99. Because visitors are the ones who are very influential to your blog and must be obtained through the Google search engine, that way if your blog is able to display Adsense ads, your income will increase and it will be easier. Well, this time I will share some Labkom99 secrets in increasing visitors and blog visitors so that your blog can be considered successful in increasing visitors and making money through Adsense ads. Below I have summarized articles about:

1. Leave Bad Habits

The point is that if you used to do things that weren't good for your blogs, such as copy-paste, and other things that could be said to be bad, you should leave it immediately. Because these factors can make your personal friend lazy in making quality articles.

2. Create Content With Your Own Language Style

Even though it's actually difficult to create quality content with your own style of language, it must be done by all of you. Because if you have often made articles in your own language, over time the habit of making them will be very easy to do. Labkom99 himself always does this when writing articles. I also apply this in this blog, even though the first time I made it felt very heavy and the language was very incoherent here and there. However, if you have often created original content, it is now quite easy to do it quickly.

3. Create a Minimum of 500 Words and a Maximum of 700 Words

Labkom99's next secret is to create articles with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 700 words. Buddy must be able to do this if you want to have abilities like Labkom99. Because that way the habit of writing will grow faster.

4. Post every day at least one article

Posting one article a day is better than 50 times a day. Why does Labkom99 recommend something like this? Isn't more articles better for blogs? I think Labkom99 recommends that this is certainly better than posting 50 times a day. Because if you post in large numbers in a day, the consistency of writing will decrease because you feel that you have written a lot of articles, it will make you feel lazy too. In contrast to one article per day, it will make your sense of activity peak and your blog will look healthy. However, if you can focus on making 50 articles every day then this is even better and the opportunity to get lots of visitors will be very wide open.

5. Don't forget keywords and don't be too greedy to enter keywords

Keywords or keywords are things that must be used if we want the content of our articles to be well-targeted. However, my friend must be able to flatten the keywords as much as possible. Labkom99's own message is "Don't forget keywords and don't be too greedy to enter keywords". This means that if you already have good keywords for your article content, you must use them well, don't enter the wrong keywords. For example, The keyword search results that you get are the words "Visitors and Blog Visitors". Well, my friend must be able to enter these keywords in the title of your article. Do not let the title of the article have no targeted keywords. This will make your article unable to get readers.

6. Make a detailed article on one product, just step into another product

This secret is also very important for beginners in particular. Because if we haven't been able to write a detailed article on a particular product, what Labkom99 recommends for all of us is that we don't discuss other new products yet and explore the products we're discussing. However, if we are able to create detailed content with that product, then we can move on to other products.

7. Get Quality Backlinks

Backlinks or links that refer to our site from other people's sites are the last secrets of Labkom99 to increase blog visitors. Why is that? because if we can get backlinks from well-known sites that have tens of millions of visitors, our blogs can get the same thing. So that the word success will get faster.

Maybe that's all I can write about 7 Labkom99 secrets in increasing visitors and blog visitors, but there are still many other Labkom99 secrets, but what I have understood is only 7 points. Hope it is useful. That is all and thank you.

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